3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 24, 2013 5:17 AM by alansantos

    Failed to upload an ontology




      The last (?) step of the installation failed with the following message (copied from the installer GUI). This is with the JBoss Fuse Service Works (jboss-eap-6.0.0.fsw.ci-installer.jar)


      Successfully connected to S-RAMP endpoint: http://localhost:8080/s-ramp-server

      FAILED to upload an ontology.

              An unexpected (and unknown) error was sent by the S-RAMP repository.

      S-RAMP shell shutting down...done.

      Exit Code: 1

      Command failure: [java, -Xmx1024m, -jar, bin/s-ramp-shell-0.3.1.Final-redhat-3.jar, -f, dtgov-sramp-repo-seed-cli-commands.txt] failed with exit code:1

      Running onfail Server Check.

      Shutting server down.

      Connecting to the Management Interface.

      Connected to the Management Interface.


      Any pointers?

        • 1. Re: Failed to upload an ontology

          any chance you're running on a Mac with a 1.7 jvm?  I believe there's a known issue with respect to the number of open files that affects the installer.


          If this is the case, one option is to install dtgov and s-ramp alone, in a containear other than the one in which you install switchyard.

          • 2. Re: Failed to upload an ontology

            No, not on a mac. On a centos 5 box with 1.7 JVM.


            So when installing I unselect dtgov and s-ramp and install it after?


            I suppose I can try increasing the open file ulimit if that is the cause?

            • 3. Re: Failed to upload an ontology

              Kiran, I've only seen the problem on a mac and can't confirm that increasing the ulimit on centos will help.


              Regardless, you have understood my suggestion correctly.  Try installing just dtgov and s-ramp, no switchyard/rtgov, as you've described.  Let me know how it proceeds.