3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 25, 2012 5:29 AM by vrlgohel

    SOAP message logging


      Hello all,


      we are trying to log our SOAP messages for a mobile client on the server for debugging purposes (the server log will do) so we added the following to the jboss-logging.xml file as we found in various documents and discussions


      <logger category="org.jboss.ws.core.MessageTrace">

            <level name="TRACE"/>



      However nothing gets outputed even after restart and I cannot find anymore information.  We are using version 6.1.0 final with the default WS stack with annotations in the EJB.  Is there something I'm missing here?


      Any help is appreciated.  Thanx



        • 1. Re: SOAP message logging

          This is just a guess, but try org.jboss.ws.core for the category. I'm not sure how the loggers are defined.



          James R. Perkins

          • 2. Re: SOAP message logging

            We have tried this amongst other things to no avail.  The search for answers continues





            • 3. Re: SOAP message logging



              You need to place the following below code in the standalone.xml/domain.xml after the 'extensions'



                              <property name="org.apache.cxf.logging.enabled" value="true"/>
