0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 16, 2012 9:24 AM by sfcoy

    Porting Spring 3.0/Hibernate 3.3/Struts application from JBoss EAP 5.1


      We have a fairly large Spring/Hibernate/Struts application that we deploy to JBoss EAP 5.1, WebSphere 7.0 and WebLogic 11g (having gone to some trouble to build a single binary WAR that works on all three platforms sometime ago).


      It has all its dependencies embedded within the WEB-INF/lib directory including the Spring 3.0.5 jars, Hibernate 3.3.2 and Struts 1.2.9 (no laughing please).


      In addition it uses JAAS for security integration via the standard web.xml form login mechanism.


      I had to go through a number of steps to port this to JBoss 7.1 Final:

      1. Update the JNDI name of the data source in jboss-web.xml to match the AS 7.1 naming scheme
      2. Update the JNDI name of the mail session in jboss-web.xml to match the AS 7.1 naming scheme
      3. Drop the WAR file in the deployments directory


      That's it. It was a simple as that. The app works perfectly (even the logfile output to the server logs).


      Awsome job guys!