4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 23, 2010 1:40 PM by tunmang

    Can a mail node stop to contact mail server and just generate a mail file?


      Hi there:


      Can a mail node defined as shown below in order to achieve 3 things:


      <mail name="Generate A Mail" class="a-mail-handler-class"
               template="a-test-mail-template" >
            <transition name="Mail is ready" to="update database"/>    


      (1) stop the mail session (or mail-sending session) to contact the mail server (defined in jbpm.mail.properties) because the mail server is not reachable.


      (2) get the mail message (because we want to generate a local file).


      (3) the mail message is generated (and fetched) based upon the "template" defined in the mail node's xml, not cooked up in the handler class.


      If this is achievable, the mail handler class should extend which jbpm base class, or implement which jbpm interface ?


      Thanks a lot for your help in advance.



      Tun Mang