1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 25, 2010 8:18 AM by aramhovsepyan

    jboss aop in eclipse - can't make it work




      I've just started digging into the jboss AOP, however its been 2 days and I just can't make the most trivial helloworld work. The documentation I've found so far did not help. I'd appreciate a lot if someone would tell me what am I doing wrong. The application is exported to .war and placed in the deploy directory.

      I've added -Djboss.aop.verbose=true to JAVA_OPTS and it doesn't produce anything.


      Here is what i have:

      - org.kuleuven.Test.java

      - org.kuleuven.TestAspect.java

      - WebContent/META-INF/jboss-aop.xml

      + some stuff that's not relevant


      the jboss server is version 5.1 and has jboss.aop running.


      In Test.java I have:


      public void testing()


      //aspect should execute here





      The TestAspect.java:

      public class TestAspect implements Interceptor {

      public String getName() {

      return "HelloWorldInterceptor";


      public Object invoke(Invocation inv) throws Throwable {

      System.out.println("Aspect interception");

      return inv.invokeNext();



      and the jboss-aop.xml:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <aop xmlns="urn:jboss:aop-beans:1.0">

      <aspect class="org.kuleuven.TestAspect" scope="PER_VM"/>

      <bind pointcut="execution(public void org.kuleuven.Test->testing())">

      <advice name="test" aspect="org.kuleuven.TestAspect"/>




      thnx a lot