2. Re: resource injection in WS handler not working in jboss JA
actonwang Mar 24, 2008 4:41 PM (in response to actonwang)hi,
FYI: by looking at source code of HandlerResolverImpl, it looks at public fields and public methods with @Resource annotation and if it is any, it just throws "Not implemented" error.
Really hope that it can also look at private fields and possible retrace back to any mark in parent classes as well after this ability is added in.
acton -
3. Re: resource injection in WS handler not working in jboss JA
gang.yang Feb 25, 2009 5:38 PM (in response to actonwang)Hi,
I also hit this problem now, which is a blocking one since I can not pass in any info to the handler w/o this capability.
According the JAX-WS spec, you should also be able to lookup up the names defined by the associated Java EE component using JNDI from the handler. I tried that. It worked for handlers that is configure for the Web container. But it did not work for handlers that is configure for the EJB3 container. So I'm really dead in the water since we use EJB3 annotated WS endpoint.
I understand that the fix for the resource injection is targeted for JBossWS 3.1.1. But could there be a fix for the JNDI lookup not working earlier? Or should I create a trouble report for the JNDI?