10 Replies Latest reply on Jun 10, 2008 2:26 PM by andygibson

    Issues/ Questions relating to JBDS 1.1 CR


      I have been using the freely avaiable JBoss Tools plugins for a while now and recently (yesterday) started using JBDS 1.1 CR. Here's a quick list of issues I found :

      1) In the JSF editor , type <h:output (ctrl+space) and select outputText and it will auto complete and put the value="" attribute in for you. In JBDS, it just completes the tag without putting the value="" in for you. Oddly enough, if you do it for <f:facet> it still puts in the name="" attribute for you. It doesn't work for s:link, h:outputText.

      2) In code completing for EL expressions, it appears to be case sensitive now. If I type #{blogpos, I get nothing, but if I type #{blogPo I get blogPostHome. Ditto in components.xml.

      I don't believe either of these have been problems in the JBoss Tools plugins for quite a while.


      Andy Gibson