0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 12, 2016 10:07 PM by jumapico

    [REQUEST] Demo project that works with jboss as 5.1 remote - arquillian 1.1.11.Final


      Hi all!

      Someone can help me with a working demo project that works with jboss as 5.1 remote?

      I follow the Getting Started · Arquillian Guides but the project can't work with jboss as 5.1 (It works with wildfly 9.0.2).

      I use the following code: arquillian-examples/arquillian-tutorial at fb2060acb0c4c4711da4efeb6960ea45f15b4926 · arquillian/arquillian-examples · G…

      with a modified pom to use a more recent versions of the dependencies (arquillian 1.1.11.Final for example).

      I attach the modified pom with two added profiles: arquillian-wildfly-remote (for use with wildfly 9.0.2 - working) and arquillian-jbossas-remote (for use with jboss as 5.1 - not working). Here is an extract with the arquillian-jbossas-remote profile:


































      I attach too the output of the console (mvn clean test -Parquillian-jbossas-remote) and the jboss console output

      Here is the extract of the maven error@@:


      Running org.arquillian.example.GreeterTest

      Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.709 sec <<< FAILURE! - in org.arquillian.example.GreeterTest

      should_create_greeting(org.arquillian.example.GreeterTest)  Time elapsed: 0.188 sec  <<< ERROR!


              at org.arquillian.example.GreeterTest.should_create_greeting(GreeterTest.java:50)



      Results :


      Tests in error:

        GreeterTest.should_create_greeting:50 NullPointer


      Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0


      and here an extract of the jboss error


      23:50:31,105 INFO  [DeployHandler] Handle stream, deploymentTarget: names=[test.ear], copyContent=true, description=file:/tmp/arquillian1967875786272177745test.ear/test.ear

      23:50:31,270 INFO  [DeployHandler] End handle stream, repositoryName: vfszip:/home/jmpc/workspace-jee/SERVERS/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/test.ear/

      23:50:31,279 INFO  [DeployHandler] Begin start, [test.ear]

      23:50:31,575 INFO  [WebBeansBootstrap] Web Beans 1.0.0.PREVIEW1

      23:50:31,731 INFO  [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/arquillian-protocol

      23:50:31,750 INFO  [DeployHandler] End start, [vfszip:/home/jmpc/workspace-jee/SERVERS/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/test.ear/]

      23:50:32,256 WARN  [AbstractManagedObjectPopulator] Cannot create String name from non-Simple property: ManagedProperty{JNDIName,JNDIName,metaType=SimpleMetaType:java.lang.String}, value=null

      23:50:32,260 WARN  [AbstractManagedObjectPopulator] Cannot create String name from non-Simple property: ManagedProperty{JNDIName,JNDIName,metaType=SimpleMetaType:java.lang.String}, value=null

      23:50:33,565 INFO  [DeployHandler] Stop, [test.ear]

      23:50:33,566 INFO  [TomcatDeployment] undeploy, ctxPath=/arquillian-protocol

      23:50:33,587 INFO  [DeployHandler] End stop, [vfszip:/home/jmpc/workspace-jee/SERVERS/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/test.ear/]

      23:50:33,597 INFO  [DeployHandler] Remove, [test.ear]





      NOTE: the usage of jboss as 5.1 is a requirement, i can't change it.