1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 30, 2015 3:27 AM by rvansa

    How to create and start cache in all nodes when create and start a cache programmatically in one node?


      I use infinispan in embedded mode, both replica and distribute mode.


      I write code to support create and start cache at run-time.

      I cannot determine how many cache and each cache's configuration (such as max-elements, life-span, idle-time) at design-time, my client will create their own cache with different configuration and start at run-time.

      I notice that: when I create and start a cache in one node, other nodes don't know that. I should create and start cache in each node, then data can be replicated / distributed.

      Is there any way to realize that: when create and start cache in one node, other nodes know this and create and start the same cache (the same name, same configuration), and data can be replicated / distributed through all nodes.

