0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 11, 2015 1:41 PM by stevejoung

    Cannot run on Andriod emulator or device


      I can create and run Cordova projects in Eclispse but not using JBoss. When I create a Hybrid Mobile project with JBoss I can work on the project and and run it on CordovaSim, but whenever I try to run a JBoss project on the Android emulator or device the build stops with the warning "Build failed... Build artifact does not exist". In the console is the message:



      ...../android-sdks/tools/ant/build.xml:653: The following error occurred while executing this line:

      ...../android-sdks/tools/ant/build.xml:698: null returned: 1


      According to the console there are problems with the AndroidManifest.xml file but I cannot access this anywhere in the Eclipse project. This is also a problem as I will need access to this file to update releases of my app.


      After googling a bit I set the environment variables with


      export PATH=${PATH}:/home/XXX/android-sdks/tools

      export PATH=${PATH}:/home/XXX/android-sdks/build-tools

      export PATH=${PATH}:/home/XXX/android-sdks/platform-tools


      But the warnings remain. I also tried running "ant clean" in the project folder and installing the 32bit libraries lib32z1.




      My OS is Ubuntu 15.04 64-bit.