1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 12, 2015 10:00 AM by krisverlaenen

    problem in KIE workbench : Not show task list


      process task not showin jBPM 6.3.0.Final with windows8



      I am using JBPM jBPM 6.3.0.Final. i have developed a business process , it deploy perfectly,

      And i have start this process. after starting this , it will show in process instance menu. but it can not show

      in task menu , any one give me solution , how to solve this issue ?




      Here  , Task list not show.but it is show in process instance menu perfectly .




      how to solve this issue ?

        • 1. Re: problem in KIE workbench : Not show task list

          Try using a different user than "admin" as this one is treated in a special way by the human task service.


          The reason is that the task service does not allow users and groups with the same name (ie. id) and since admin is already a known role, you cannot also use it as a task assignee.  Try to avoid demo users like admin/admin.

