3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 15, 2015 5:03 AM by maxandersen

    No code completion with resource-bundle content




      I moved from Eclipse Kelper to Mars today, installing the latest JBoss Tools 4.3.0 Beta 2. When I open a JSF page with the VisualPage Editor I perfectly get code completion for all my cdi beans - as in Kepler.

      When it comes to the message-bundle, there is no code completion anymore.


      I configure in faces-config.xml:







      and have an xml line like this:


      <h:outputLabel for="anrede" value="#{msgs.profil_anrede} :" />


      When I press <crtl>-space after value="#{ I see all cdi beans listed, but not msgs


      Is this a bug or do I need to change some configuration entries?


      BTW - CodeRecommenders code completion is switched off.


      thanx for your help

