0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 26, 2015 5:11 AM by c00823ue

    How to deploy two jbpm6 application on tomcat7?


      My application runs successfully on eap6.4, but now I want  to change from eap6.4 to  tomcat7.0.63. My application is using mysql instead of h2 database. Is it possible to deploy another jbpm6 application after kie-wb-6.4.0-SNAPSHOT-tomcat7.war from github(droolsjbpm/kie-wb-distributions · GitHub) is already deployed on tomcat7.0.63? How can I change default h2 database of kie-wb-6.4.0-SNAPSHOT-tomcat7.war to mysql database? Do I need to create a context.xml under META-INF? What content should I put in context.xml? THX!