2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 25, 2015 10:14 AM by snijdor

    global servlet filter for logging


      Hi experts!


      How do i use my own servlet filter as a 'global filter' in jboss/wildfly?

      In tomcat there is an option to include the filter in the global web.xml to use the filter for all deployed web applications, but in jboss i can't find xml tags or sample config files that include a filter (only in the specific web.xml of the application).

      So i don't want to include the filter in every web application's web.xml manually. (i don't want to touch the code or the web.xml of the applications)




      'global tomcat filter' for all deployed applications:














      ...for all applications/urls the filter gets called.


      I created a module for my filter, but how do i use it as a 'global' filter?!?!?!     (using jboss-eap-6.4)