1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 12, 2015 6:21 AM by mayerw01

    JBoss 4.3 with Oracle 12C


      Dear All,


      I have jBoss 4.3 running fine with oracle 10g but when I upgraded the DB to oracle 12C I start getting performance issues.

      kindly assist if any changes required to be changed in the data source configuration.


      appreciate your help.



        • 1. Re: JBoss 4.3 with Oracle 12C

          Did you verify that the issue is not on the database?

          If you expect the issue somewhere between the database and jboss it is very likely related to your jdbc driver.

          Which driver version are you currently using, jdbc14.jar? This driver might not perform optimal on 12C.

          I understand you should either use jdbc6.jar or jdbc7.jar. But when using one of these drivers you might get issues with your java version instead.