3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 2, 2015 1:23 PM by jseanjensen

    How can I reverse engineer a MySql database with Forge?


      We simply want to create the CRUD functions from a database we already have set up.  We want to do some reporting so I thought this would be an great tool for that.  However we are using a MySQL database and we can't get the datasource to deploy properly.  We have gone through tutorials and examples but none of them are helping.  Can someone give me an idea of what could be causing this issue?  It shouldn't be that complicated.  We can create the app, setup the JPA, generate entities, generate scaffolding and everything seems to work just great.  However when we try to deploy it fails on the datasource deployment step every time.  We have had several people try it and can't see what needs to be done differently.  I'd post examples of our files but since we have gone through several interations I don't think they would be useful.  Is there anyone who can give me the simple step-by-step setup for a simple MySql database reverse engineered CRUD app?