4 Replies Latest reply on May 30, 2015 11:06 AM by rm0han

    Arquillian test using forge


      I started to explore Arquillian today. Mine is a WAS profile with a Spring JMS listener. My tests start after the listener fires. Initially I thought this was easy. Later in the day I found JBoss forge that seemed to make this easy. But commands like 'project-new' etc. found in the JBoss site seem to be outdated. So now I haven't made any progress.


      What is the effort required to create a simple Arquillian test that has Spring JMS listener in  WLP or a WAS profile ? Am I missing all the easy instructions and searching in the wrong place ?





        • 1. Re: Arquillian test using forge

          Hi Mohan,


          What do you mean that "project-new" is outdated? Have you followed the installation instructions at http://forge.jboss.org/document/installation ?

          Let me know if you need any help.


          Best Regards,


          George Gastaldi

          • 2. Re: Arquillian test using forge

            I did this. It is new-project






            brew install forge



            Mohans-MacBook-Pro:jboss-forge radhakrishnan$ forge

            Using Forge at /usr/local/Cellar/jboss-forge/2.16.1.Final/libexec



               |  ___|__  _ __ __ _  ___

               | |_ / _ \| `__/ _` |/ _ \  \\

               |  _| (_) | | | (_| |  __/  //

               |_|  \___/|_|  \__, |\___|



            JBoss Forge, version [ 2.16.1.Final ] - JBoss, by Red Hat, Inc. [ http://forge.jboss.org ]


            [jboss-forge]$ new-project --named hrg --topLevelPackage org.hrg

            Command: new-project was not found.

            [jboss-forge]$ project-new --named hrg --topLevelPackage org.hrg

            ***SUCCESS*** Project named 'hrg' has been created.

            [hrg]$ project remove-repository http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public

            Command: project was not found.

            [hrg]$ beans setup

            Command: beans was not found.


            • 3. Re: Arquillian test using forge

              Hi Mohan,


              Please have a look at Documentation | JBoss Forge for an example on how to create projects using Forge. Also make sure to watch our videos in JBoss Forge - YouTube


              Best Regards,


              George Gastaldi

              • 4. Re: Arquillian test using forge

                I browsed through the videos. But I was interested in this question I posted earlier.(Re: WAS 8 profile - Test only JMS). I was thinking it is not very difficult. A WAS profile with JMS listeners and senders. Our code is the backbone of mobile applications that interacts with queues. JUnit and mocks help us but integrations tests will be very useful.

                So if there are mock JMS listeners I plan to code Arquillian tests to process the messages and post again to mock queues. Ours is WAS 8.