1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 25, 2015 1:49 PM by wdfink

    HATimerService  JBOSS EAP6.2 cluster


      I'm using quickstart example HATimerService,it's running on the cluster,

      for now i need update and remove that timer, the change only on current node,

      if current node down,other node will run timer without change.


      sohow can i get the singleton timer service after HATimerService installed.


      anybody can help, please!

        • 1. Re: HATimerService  JBOSS EAP6.2 cluster

          The HASingleton example is not working like that.


          The Singleton service only provide one method to retrieve a response.

          One possible workaround is to store the timer configuration in a shared DB and call getValue() just to trigger a re-read from the database.


          Cluster aware timers are introduced in WildFly 9 with a shared database.