0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 12, 2015 11:45 AM by kucerarichard

    Simplistic Memcached Cluster Mgmt


      Here are my fileTemplateBundles for simplistic memcached mgmt in a RHEL/Centos/SL environment (the standard yum memcached install,  I don't particularly like the standard rhel way,  and would rather compiled standalone version in /usr/local,  but short on time).


      That is you can add/deregister (and remove via the "Purge" button) a cluster of up to 10 instances to whatever hosts you target.


      There's a simple port checking tool that should be used in a Script server to figure out which ports to use.


      Who needs containers when you have system mgmt?


      Edit:  re-uploaded process mgmt fixes.


      Edit:  added memcached restart bundle -- a two-liner that is the point of the whole exercise (revisited saltstack for this purpose but ran screaming once again).


      Note: I now feel the unreg bundle is slightly flawed design -- it should be design to be wired directly to a destination directory and name extracted from rhq.deploy.dir -- see restart bundle for right idea.


