0 Replies Latest reply on May 19, 2014 12:32 AM by shani

    Grinder Script::: Issues in running multi users script


      HI all
      I’m using JIRA 6.0.6 version and I need to do load test regarding this. Following steps were followed to recorded script.
      1. Logging to JIRA


      2. Create a Ticket


      3. Open the created ticket and Edited


      4. Add comment to same created ticket.


      5. Go to navigator and search using JQL


      6. Logout from JIRA




      I wrote a script to which included above mention steps for 300 users. But the output displayed kind of different.


      In step4, “Add comment to same created ticket” Ticket comments are added only to the recorded ticket which means when I run the script for all 300 users it will add comment to the recorded or the given ticket, and it does not add into their own ticket.


      How to write the script for above mention process for 300 users.


      please give me any suggestion regarding this.


      Thank you !!