4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 22, 2014 2:06 PM by csmatyi

    how to change the context root for a jboss web application


      Hello everybody,


      I am developing a web application using the ISA tools based on a jboss framework.

      As of now, the web application is live on our server as such: gaho.unmc.edu/gahoinvindex

      but I want to shorten the address to gaho.unmc.edu so that people don't have to type the extra /gahoindex part, so that the address remains practical and useful.


      I understand that I have to set the context root in some xml file among the jboss configuration files.

      I have tried shortening <contextRoot>/bioinvindex</contextRoot> to <contextRoot>/</contextRoot> but this does not work.


      Any tips?


      I would really appreciate it.


      Thanks, Matthew

        • 1. Re: how to change the context root for a jboss web application

          Which version of JBoss AS are you using?   I believe in order to use the root context, you need to package your application into ROOT.war.


          Context-root can change the context name, but I don't believe it can change it to the root.     

          • 2. Re: how to change the context root for a jboss web application

            I'm using Jboss version 5.1.0.GA

            • 3. Re: how to change the context root for a jboss web application

              In that case, you need to alter the ROOT.war already packaged in jboss-5.1.0.GA.

              • 4. Re: how to change the context root for a jboss web application

                Hi! Got the problemo solved. Yet, I
                have a new problemo:



                I am trying to set up my website in
                a VM.



                I have been trying to fix the bugs
                in jboss when starting up

                our database in the vm.



                Maven builds the database fine, and
                the run script also starts up, but there are still errors.



                I set the proper ip address in



                test-lpxr config # cat /etc/hosts



                1. localhost

                  localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4




                localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6



                1. rito-c64

                  rito-c64.unmc.medforest.org c64
                2. test-lpxr.uwv.edu test-lpxr





                For some reason the programs must
                not be configured

                properly, in the latest error.



                I suspect there might be some sort
                of connection error,

                though I am sure the connection to the db is configured fine, and that the user

                has access to it:



                test-lpxr config # cat



                #The database parameters



                1. hibernate.connection.username=bioinvindex




                  1. hibernate.connection.password=password


                  1. hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/bioinvasion


                  1. hibernate.connection.driver_class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver


                  1. hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect


                # Change these paths as you need



                    1. hibernate.search.default.indexBase=/lpxr_270gb/lucene/


                # Change this to get some debug info




                # This shouldn't need to be changed



                      1. hibernate.search.default.directory_provider=org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider


                      1. hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=update


                      1. hibernate.search.indexing_strategy=manual


                      1. hibernate.mapping.precedence=hbm,class


                Also, the user bioinvindex @
                localhost has all privileges in

                the mysql.user table in MySQL.


                What do you think the error could