5 Replies Latest reply on Feb 21, 2014 9:39 AM by marcusdidiusfalco

    Forge console to setup project



      I am trying to follow the example in

      Lee Rubinger A; Allen, D; Knutsen, A: Contininuous Enterprise Development

      how to use JBDS and Forge to setup a project.


      Version: 7.1.0.GA

      Build id: GA-v20131208-0703-B592

      Build date: 20131208-0703


      Using a new, empty workspace I have opened the Forge View and have typed:

      set ACCEPT_DEFAULTS true;

      new-project --named feedback --topLevelPackage org.cedj.ch03.feedback --projectFolder feedback;

      This was followed by ***SUCCESS ***


      According to the book the project should now appear in the project folder. But it remains empty (I have waited until eclipse had updated indexes etc.)

      A newstart of eclipse does not resolve the problem. Clean ... is not possible.


      What's wrong?

        • 1. Re: Forge console to setup project

          After importing the project with "Existing Maven Projects" the project appears, but Forge does not work as expected (according to book, I am completely new to Forge)

          JBoss Forge, version [ 1.4.3.Final ] - JBoss, by Red Hat, Inc. [ http://forge.jboss.org ]

          [no project] workspace $ persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --container JBOSS_AS7;

          ***ERROR*** [persistence] Plugin is not usable in current scope or project.

          [no project] workspace $


          After that I have deleted the workspace and tried it from start again without restarting JBDS after forge project creation.

          persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --container JBOSS_AS7

          took forerver and produced a non-valid, partial persistence.xml


          After switching back to jbdevstudio-product-universal-7.0.0.GA-v20130720-0044-B364.jar

          everything has worked smoothly (so far ...)

          I seems to me that jbdevstudio-product-universal-7.1.0.GA-v20131208-0703-B592.jar has some major bugs concerning the forge integration.

          • 2. Re: Forge console to setup project

            Hi Hans-Michael,


            Sorry that you experience problems using Forge in JBDS. You already gave all the info concerning the versions of both JBDS and Forge but can you tell me additionally on what OS you are running?




            • 3. Re: Forge console to setup project

              Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1

              • 4. Re: Forge console to setup project


                the next problem that I have that forge cannot connect to github when I run

                [feedback] feedback $ forge install-plugin arquillian

                Connecting to remote repository [https://raw.github.com/forge/plugin-repository/master/repository.yaml]... ***ERROR*** Exception encountered: raw.github.com (type "set VERBOSE true" to enable stack traces)


                I have configured our proxy in eclipse Network settings, and I can open the url in my browser with the same proxy settings.

                Is there some additional configuration necessary for Forge?





                • 5. Re: Forge console to setup project

                  OK found out that for myself:

                  You have to add to




