0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 20, 2014 11:04 AM by kwutzke

    JSTL c:forEach causes CDI (Seam 3) @ViewScoped bean to invoke @PostConstruct on every AJAX request using Mojarra 2.1.18+


      This is a followup question to some questions on stackoverflow.com:





      However, we're using Mojarra 2.1.22 but our Seam 3 CDI @ViewScoped annotated beans always become reconstructed, that is the method annotated with @PostConstruct is executed and we get an new bean on every AJAX request.


      All I keep hearing for a few months (it's February 2014 now) is that Mojarra 2.1.18+ has many of these bugs fixed and that the view-scoped bean should survive AJAX requests when the view is using this bean from a <c:forEach>.


      Here are a few bugs:



      https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-928 (see last comment by dwightd)




      The only difference to the examples on SO etc. is that we're using Seam 3 CDI @ViewScoped (+ @Named) and not "native" JSF @ViewScoped (+ @ManagedBean).


      Is Seam 3 Faces (3.1 Final) the reason why it isn't working? Is this a Seam 3 issue at all? How can we find out? It's not easy to port the current functionality to a test case...


