1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 19, 2013 11:31 AM by dgolovin

    Bug found - choosing configuration in JBoss runtime configuration window




      I've been trying to change configuration from default to all in my runtime, but each time I select "all" from the list and click "OK", I go back to this window and still see that "default" is choosen. Misleading fact is, that configuration was indeed changed - when I check launch configuration (server overwiew) I see that the parameters used to start Jboss has changed - now I have my "--configuration=all".


      But still, to check which configuration is used in which runtime, I need to have at least one server with given runtime, and then check these launch parameters, because indicator in runtime configuration is lying.


      I wanted to register a new bug, but I'm a newbie here, and I have no idea how to do it


      So in some way, this post may be read as - can anyone tell me, how to register a new bug?