1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 13, 2013 4:51 AM by jfclere

    Installing a signed certificate to JBoss (Https)


      I am trying to install a signed certificate and hope to use it for my further https communication from external clients.

      Here is the process I am following,


      1) This Creates a trustedCertEntry in myapp.keystore.

           keytool -importcert -file mike.cert -alias mikekey -keypass mikepass -keystore myapp.keystore -storetype JKS -storepass myapppass –noprompt



      2) Change the password of the key by using following command to ensure that key password matches the keystore password.

      keytool -keypasswd -keystore myapp.keystore -storepass myapppass -storetype JKS -alias mikekey -keypass mikepass -new myapppass

      That generates the error,

      "keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Alias <mikekey> has no key"

      Server startup fails: "Error initializing endpoint: java.io.IOException: Alias name mikekey does not identify a key entry".



      3) Changing the keystore password to match the key password did not help either.

        Server start-up still throws up an error, “Alias name mikekey does not identify a key entry


      4) Standalone.xml has following configuration which works well with my own self-signed certificate.

      <connector enable-lookups="false" name="https" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="https" secure="true" socket-binding="https">

      <ssl certificate-key-file="${jboss.server.config.dir}/myapp.keystore" key-alias="mikekey" name="ssl" password="myapppass" protocol="ALL" verify-client="false"/>



        We are using JBoss AS 7.2.

        Any pointers ?

      Is there any  documentation that provides a guideline to go about installing a signed certificate into JBoss ?