3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 24, 2014 3:26 AM by ruparupa

    hibernate plugins unable to load its classes, project has higher compiler option than running eclipse


      Good afternoon all,


      I am developping a JavaFX application:

      - Eclipse Kepler 4.3.0,

      - Jdk1.8.0-ea-b102,

      - Hibernate 4.3.0,

      - Hibernate Tools for Eclipse version 3.7.0.Final-v20130717-0715-B84

      - MySQL DB,

      - Mac OSX10.8.4.


      My application works and properly accesses the DB (through hibernate).


      My issue is when I want to use the Hibernate plugin in Eclipse. When defining an Hibernate Configurations, I systematically have the following error message:

      "Project "XXX" has higher compiler option than running Eclipse. Hibernate plugins unable to load its classes. Please decrease the compiler option or run the Eclipse with higher JDK level."


      Other details, in case they can help:

      - Eclipse>Preferences>Java>Compiler>Compiler compliance level: 1.7,

      - Eclipse>About Eclipse>Installation Details>Configuration: see attach file.


      I tried to search for the web, but could not find any solution. I would very much appreciate your view on my issue.


