10 Replies Latest reply on Jul 16, 2013 8:36 AM by kenfinni

    PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp


      Hi all!

      Anybody worked in this environments?


      I'll tried create simple apps by https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/PBR/JSF+Portlet+Development


      And events and PRP not worked

      I debugged my implementation a BridgeEventHandler and BridgePublicRenderParamters, but one not handled.


      Server logs is clear, no errors.



      Sorry, hte first time is throwed some errors (see attach), then nothing.


      After uncomment on web.xml:










      errors not throwed, but EventHandler not handled in the same

        • 1. Re: PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp

          In the portal logs i found:


          [10.07.13 12:20:27:623 NOVT] 00000036 PropertyDispa E com.ibm.wps.propertybroker.dispatch.PropertyDispatcherImpl dispatchSourceEvents EJPKB0991E:

          The propertybroker encountered a problem finding a communication source with name {urn:jboss:portal:samples:event}SimpleEvent for portlet definition PortletDefinition: com.ibm.wps.datastore.impl.PortletDescriptorImpl@288819f7

              objectID: [ObjectIDImpl 'Z3_HAAEHIO0JGHGF0IVUQT4MP0087', PORTLET_DEFINITION, [Domain: rel], DB: 0000-51291725061346F880FC5E77623300E8]

              created: 1372848997627

              lastModified: 1372848997627

              existsInDB: true

              portletName: JsfTestPortlet

              isActive: true

              expires: null

              isShared: null

              applicationDescriptorObjectID: [ObjectIDImpl 'Z2_CGAH47L0004820IDBHD79M0021', PORTLET_APPLICATION_DEFINITION, [Domain: rel], DB: 0000-0CAA484E05001024806C2BB6932C0022]

              defaultLocale: en

              servletDescriptorObjectID: [ObjectIDImpl 'ZV_HAAEHIO0JGHGF0IVUQT4MP0083', SERVLET_DEFINITION, [Domain: rel], DB: 0000-51291725061346F880FC5E7762330068]

              wspIsProvided: false

              initParameters: {wsrp.portlet.usesMethodGet=false, wsrp.portlet.userContextStoredInSession=false, wsrp.portlet.hasUserSpecificState=true, com.ibm.wps.group.id=__group:default, wsrp.portlet.defaultMarkupSecure=false, wsrp.portlet.onlySecure=false, wsrp.portlet.templatesStoredInSession=false, com.ibm.portal.state.url.allowrelative=false, wsrp.portlet.doesTemplateProcessing=false}

              localeData: Supported locales=[ar ca cs da de el en es fi fr hu it iw ja ko nl no pl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sl sv th tr uk zh zh_TW hr kk ] Loaded locales=[sk: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][ru: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][ro: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][pt: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][pl: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][en: JSFTestPortlet, JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, ][es: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][fi: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][fr: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][hr: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][hu: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][zh: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][uk: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][tr: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][th: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][sv: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][sl: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][it: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][ar: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][ca: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][cs: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][da: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][de: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][el: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][iw: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][ja: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][ko: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][kk: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][nl: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][no: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][zh_TW: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ][pt_BR: JSFTestPortlet, null, null, null, null, ]

              preferences: {com.ibm.portal.resolver.ResolutionService=[modifiable: true, dbvalue: com.ibm.wps.wsrp.proxyportlet.resolver, jsrvalue: [com.ibm.wps.wsrp.proxyportlet.resolver]], parallel=[modifiable: true, dbvalue: true, jsrvalue: [true]]}


          • 2. Re: PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp

            There's a couple of things that need to be fixed before we can know what the problem is:


            1. You need to define an xmlns attribute on the qname tag within portlet.xml for both the sending and receiving portlets. You have the qname tag, but no xmlns defined. The xmlns value you define needs to be the same as the QName that is set when you fire the event from your code.
            2. I'd recommend creating a separate handler for events and PRPs, just to prevent any confusion about which one may have a problem.


            Hope that helps

            1 of 1 people found this helpful
            • 3. Re: PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp

              Ken, thanks for answer:


              1. It's clearly, but I don't understand: In portlet.xml defined xmls as jbp, is not it?



              <qname xmlns:jbp="urn:jboss:portal:samples:event">jbp:SimpleEvent</qname>






              <qname xmlns:jbp="urn:jboss:portal:samples:event">jbp:SimpleEvent</qname>



              This not enough?


              2. Ok.I'll try to.




              • 4. Re: PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp

                After remove/add portlets on Websphere Portal, PRP is worked!


                "It's WEBSPHERE!"

                • 5. Re: PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp

                  Apologies, when I'd looked at portlet.xml before it was in a browser, and it had hidden the xmlns definition you had on the qname tag. So that bit looks ok.


                  Glad you got PRP working

                  • 6. Re: PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp

                    Thanks Ken.

                    I separated handlers, but BridgeEventHandler still does not handled, although ibm.wsrp service process my event,

                    seems by logs.


                    More I found in WAS logs (not portal):


                    Caused by: oasis.names.tc.wsrp.v2.types.InvalidCookieFault: EJPWG0004E: The Producer environment has timed out. The Consumer needs to invoke initCookie() again.

                        at com.ibm.wps.wsrp.common.wrapper.v2.WrapperServiceImplV2.mapInvalidCookieFaultFromCommonModel(WrapperServiceImplV2.java:5500)

                        at oasis.names.tc.wsrp.v2.bind.WSRP_v2_Markup_Binding_SOAPImpl.performBlockingInteraction(WSRP_v2_Markup_Binding_SOAPImpl.java:229)

                        ... 44 more


                    This exception is thrown once in first action.

                    • 7. Re: PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp



                      Not sure if this will help, but a colleague found this: http://advancedwps.blogspot.fr/2012/05/ibm-websphere-portlet-factory-ipc-error.html


                      Otherwise, I'm not really sure what the issue could be. You'd need to speak with someone that knows more about Websphere Portal.

                      • 8. Re: PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp

                        Thanks Ken.


                        Yes, I read this post.


                        I think this trouble between WAS Portal and WSRP Producer, too

                        • 9. Re: PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp

                          So, after update WAS and сustomizing my portlets on Portal, IPC works!


                          Thus, PortletBridge is tested to work on  a WAS - Websphere Portal by WSRP 2.0.



                          • 10. Re: PortletBridge 3.2.0.Final, Webshere 8.0 - IPC by wsrp

                            Good to hear you have it working now!