2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 11, 2013 11:15 AM by mmatloka

    MavenDependencyResolver for retrieving test jar




      I want to resolve a maven artifact for test jar files, how do I do it?

      Normally for retrieving dependency the artifact string looks like <groupid>:<artifactid>:<version>, I want to resolve <groupid>:<artifactid>:<type>:<version>

      for ex.

           commons-io:commons-io:2.4 --> jar ad all its dependencies

           commons-io:commons-io:tests:2.4 --> test jar files and its dependencies




        • 1. Re: MavenDependencyResolver for retrieving test jar

          Moved to Shrinkwrap space.

          • 2. Re: MavenDependencyResolver for retrieving test jar

            Solved on IRC



            <sks> hello 

            <sks> I have one question regarding shrinkwrap maven dependency resolver 

            <sks> how to resolve maven artifacts for test jar

            <sks> I did not work 

            <sks> mygroup:myartifact:test-jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT 

            <sks> mygroup:myartifact:tests:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

            <sks> may be I am doing wrong in the syntax?

            <aslak> hmm.. that looks right

            <aslak> kpiwko ^

            <sks> but I get  org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver.api.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve an artifact

            <sks> I am using   org.jboss.arquillian:arquillian-bom:1.0.3.Final

            <aslak> sks aa you need packaging as well when using classifier

            <aslak> mygroup:myartifact:jar:tests:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

            <sks> wow thanks

            <sks> that worked

            <sks> actually I was missing jar:tests

            <sks> thanks aslak