0 Replies Latest reply on May 24, 2012 1:36 PM by mksplg

    SAML2AttributeHandler configuration and Roles




      I'm using DatabaseServerLoginModule on the IDP side of picketlink and I try to provide some Attributes to the SP (Firstname, Lastname, email).


      The SAML2AttributeHandler shows some strange behaviour.


      When I add it to the configuration of the IDP



      <PicketLink xmlns="urn:picketlink:identity-federation:config:2.1">

                <PicketLinkIDP xmlns="urn:picketlink:identity-federation:config:2.1">






                <Handlers xmlns="urn:picketlink:identity-federation:handler:config:2.1">


                                    class="org.picketlink.identity.federation.web.handlers.saml2.SAML2LogOutHandler" />


                                    class="org.picketlink.identity.federation.web.handlers.saml2.SAML2AuthenticationHandler" />



                                    <Option Key="ATTRIBUTE_KEYS" Value="username,firstName,lastName,email,userRoles" />

                                    <Option Key="ATTRIBUTE_MANAGER" Value="eu.myproject.idp.UserAttributeManager" />



                                    class="org.picketlink.identity.federation.web.handlers.saml2.RolesGenerationHandler" />




      the AttributeManager is not called at all. But when I add it as an attribute to the PicketLinkIDP element it is called twice.



      <PicketLink xmlns="urn:picketlink:identity-federation:config:2.1">

                <PicketLinkIDP xmlns="urn:picketlink:identity-federation:config:2.1"






      - First from DelegatedAttributeManager.getAttributes(Principal, List<String>) with the logged in user principal and a lot of attributes I did not specify: [username, firstName, lastName, email, userRoles, mail, cn, commonname, givenname, surname, employeeType, employeeNumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber]

      - Then from SAML2AttributeHandler.handleRequestType(SAML2HandlerRequest, SAML2HandlerResponse) with userPrincipal == null and only the attributes I specifed.




      Also on the SP side, when I try to get the roles from the PolicyContext



      Subject caller = (Subject) PolicyContext.getContext("javax.security.auth.Subject.container");

      Set<Principal> principals = caller.getPrincipals();


      I get a Principal called "Roles" that contains all roles plus all attributes.


      I my configuration wrong or is this expected or a bug?


