1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 23, 2012 8:08 AM by oranheim

    Unable to produce Tattletale report with Maven




      I'm using maven-3.0.4 and the Tattletale report is not generated.


      My maven config:


                  <!-- tattletale is expecting a folder with jars in it, so I need to gather those together -->
                   <!-- ... gather up the last jars -->
                      <!-- The version of the plugin you want to use -->
                          <!-- This is the location which will be scanned for generating tattletale reports -->
                          <!-- This is where the reports will be generated -->


      When I issue:


      mvn clean package -Ptattletale


      The maven output is:


      [INFO] --- maven-war-plugin:2.1.1:war (default-war) @ musific-next ---
      [INFO] Packaging webapp
      [INFO] Assembling webapp [musific-next] in [/Users/oranheim/Documents/workspace/parts/musific-next/target/musific-next]
      [INFO] Processing war project
      [INFO] Copying webapp webResources [/Users/oranheim/Documents/workspace/parts/musific-next/src/main/webapp] to [/Users/oranheim/Documents/workspace/parts/musific-next/target/musific-next]
      [INFO] Copying webapp resources [/Users/oranheim/Documents/workspace/parts/musific-next/src/main/webapp]
      [INFO] Webapp assembled in [1856 msecs]
      [INFO] Building war: /Users/oranheim/Documents/workspace/parts/musific-next/target/musific-next.war
      [INFO] WEB-INF/web.xml already added, skipping
      [INFO] --- tattletale-maven:1.1.2.Final:report (default) @ musific-next ---
      [INFO] Scanning: /Users/oranheim/Documents/workspace/parts/musific-next/target/tattletale-source
      [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [INFO] Total time: 14.075s
      [INFO] Finished at: Thu Feb 23 13:45:04 CET 2012
      [INFO] Final Memory: 29M/81M
      [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


      When issuing:


      mvn clean package site -Ptattletale


      The site report is generated, but still not Tattletale report.


      So what may be wrong here?

