1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 21, 2011 10:36 AM by anil.saldhana

    Is it possible to add Login Modules programmatically


      I have been searching for information about how you can add LoginModules programmatically to an running instance of PicketBox, but have found nothing - so have come to the conlusion that it is not possible. Can anyone confirm ?


      Just to be clear - I would like to be able to write some code that does the equivalent of something like this :


      public void setupLoginModules() {


           <picketbox>.addLoginModule (new DatabaseLoginModule(x,y,z)) ;

           <picketbox>.addLoginModule (new XYZLoginModule(a,b)) ;




      So, I have no reliance on and external XML configuration file for defining the configuration of the login modules in use ?


      Is this possible ?


      Thanks in advance.

