0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 3, 2011 3:39 PM by hublisid

    SecurityAssociation is null when called from authenticating EJB


      I have a web applciation and an EJB component.

      I am using GenericHeaderAuthenticator and SSOLoginModule for the authentication. In GenericHeaderAuthenticator, I am getting the roles from siteminder and setting in org.jboss.security.SecurityAssociation class.


      SecurityAssociation.setContextInfo("sm_role", roles);


      For the authentication in EJB, the securityDomain is pointing to SSOLoginModule,

      When I am trying to access the SecurityAssociation context info in SSOLoginModule , its giving me null values, so the EJB authentication failed!!


      String role = (String)SecurityAssociation.getContextInfo("sm_role"); roles are coming as null.



      This problem is in Unix environment, the same code I tried in Windows environment it's working fine.


      Can anyone help me to resolve this issue?


      The configuration are as below:-


      EJB Code:









      class FooBean implements FooRemote {


      @Resource private SessionContext sctx;



            <property name="authenticators">
               <map class="java.util.Properties" keyClass="java.lang.String" valueClass="java.lang.String">




      <application-policy name="SSOGenericHeaderAuth">


         <login-module code="org.jboss.example.web.tomcat.security.SSOLoginModule" flag="sufficient"/>

         <login-module code="org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule"


         <module-option name="usersProperties">props/jmx-console-users.properties</module-option>

         <module-option name="rolesProperties">props/jmx-console-roles.properties</module-option>


