13 Replies Latest reply on Oct 15, 2010 12:10 PM by galder.zamarreno

    How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1



      The bigest problem with infinispan in Jboss are jar dependencies. As  read in inspan manual downloaded infinispan-4.0.0.FINAL-single_jar.zip and copied all jars from lib directory to lib directory in JBoss (there are abou 20-30 jars). After this operation I've tried to start Jboss but I've got many errorors probably because jar conflcts. Are all jars from /lb should be copied to Jboss ?



        • 1. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

          I've spent whole day traying integrate Infinispan and JBoss 5.1, the only solution was to copy following .jars:


          marshalling-api-1.2.0.GA.jar  rhq-pluginAnnotations-1.4.0.B01.jar
          infinispan-all.jar        river-1.2.0.GA.jar


          to Jboss lib directory but I'm not sure if it is required list even wth this jar I've got some warnings

          Can you help me with starting Infinispan on Jboss ?

          • 2. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

            Infinispan, if clustered, uses different JGroups version to the one in AS 5.1, so you're approach is not the correct one. The easiest is to deploy infinispan and other jars within an isolated EAR file and put these jars under a lib/ directory in the jar. Your application will go inside the EAR as well. That way, your application can safely use Infinispan without affecting normal functioning of application server.


            You don't need such things if you deploy in AS 6.

            • 3. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

              Rather than single jar that bundles all different modules, use the *-all.zip and take the root infinispan-core.jar and anything under the root lib/ directory in that zip file. That's all you need to get going. If you need any extra jars, they're under modules/.

              • 4. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

                It is quite complicated. We use Axis2 on Jboss and all our webservices are deployed in Axis2 as .aar files. I do not know how to deploy .aar with .ear

                • 5. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

                  You can also use the -bin.zip instead of the -all.zip.


                  Btw, there's some members from the community that over the past few days have been working on getting Infinispan to work on AS 4.2 and AS 5. We're expecting to get some wiki contribution from their side that will help you and others.

                  • 6. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

                    Hmmm, but how do u deploy an .aar in AS right now? You simply copy the .aar file into deploy/ or your currently wrap it into something else?

                    • 7. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

                      .aar  files are wrapped in axis2/service  directory.

                      Axis2 is a .war file but after copying to deploy directory it was deployed to 'tmp' file what complicate deployment of .aar because .aar should be copied to axis2/service. After normal  deployment of axis2 .war , service is put to random named directory   We make workaround and we created deploy/axis2.war directory and our .aar files are coped to  ..deploy/axis2.war/service.

                      • 8. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

                        In -all.zip fle I have found only folowing files:

                        Copyright.txt  JBossORG-EULA.txt  README-Demo.txt   README-EC2-demo.txt  README-Modules.txt  README.txt  bin  doc  etc   licenses  modules


                        there is no infinispan-core.jar. I think the best  solution is to wait for article.

                        • 9. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

                          Right, if you're using a war, simply put the jars in WEB-INF/lib


                          Hmmm, I'm not sure which -all.zip you're using but to take Infinispan 4.1.0.CR1 that I've just released (http://sourceforge.net/projects/infinispan/files/infinispan/4.1.0.CR1/infinispan-4.1.0.CR1-all.zip/download), I see:


                          [z@dhcp-144-154:~/Downloads/infinispan-4.1.0.CR1]% ls -al
                          total 2040
                          drwxr-xr-x@ 15 z  staff      510 Jul  6 17:07 .
                          drwx------+ 16 z  staff      544 Jul  6 18:34 ..
                          -rw-r--r--@  1 z  staff     1127 Jul  6 17:07 Copyright.txt
                          -rw-r--r--@  1 z  staff     8208 Jul  6 17:07 JBossORG-EULA.txt
                          -rw-r--r--@  1 z  staff      744 Jul  6 17:07 README-Demo.txt
                          -rw-r--r--@  1 z  staff     5411 Jul  6 17:07 README-EC2-demo.txt
                          -rw-r--r--@  1 z  staff      463 Jul  6 17:07 README-Modules.txt
                          -rw-r--r--@  1 z  staff      968 Jul  6 17:07 README.txt
                          drwxr-xr-x@ 21 z  staff      714 Jul  6 18:34 bin
                          drwxr-xr-x@  3 z  staff      102 Jul  6 17:07 doc
                          drwxr-xr-x@ 11 z  staff      374 Jul  6 18:34 etc
                          -rw-r--r--@  1 z  staff  1006837 Jul  6 16:57 infinispan-core.jar
                          drwxr-xr-x@ 10 z  staff      340 Jul  6 17:07 lib
                          drwxr-xr-x@  9 z  staff      306 Jul  6 17:07 licenses
                          drwxr-xr-x@ 19 z  staff      646 Jul  6 17:07 modules


                          Out of that, take infinispan-core.jar and lib/*. Under modules you'll find other extra modules such as tree, query, hotrod, memcached...etc/


                          Which link did you use?

                          • 10. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

                            to be honest we moved to Tomcat+Axis2 and there is almost no problem with using Infinispan. There was one problem with jta.jar conflict because it exists in infinispan and in Axis2 (geronimo-jta.jar) and thera are two different version. We removed geronimo-jta.jar  from Axis2 and now it works.

                            • 11. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1



                              is there any news on the issue "integrating infinispan with JBoss 5.1.0.GA"? (I'm just stuck at the point where jgroups-2.10.0.GA from infinispan is incompatible to 2.6.10.GA from JBoss 5.1.0.GA).


                              best regards,



                              (Sadly, the option of putting the app into an .ear is not an option for me)

                              • 12. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

                                We moved to Tomcat and problem disappeared

                                • 13. Re: How to install Infinispan on JBoss 5.1

                                  Michael, then you have little room for manouver. You need to isolate the JGroups deployment somehow. So, either, you put your app on top of the default/ configuration of AS and you only use the clustering offered by Infinispan, or you isolated your ear/war/sar