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This poll was archived on Apr 22, 2010.

Quality of wiki-based documentation

Given the recent release of Infinispan 4.0, the core Infinispan team have spent some time revamping the wiki-based documentation, re-organising things in the format of a user guide along with other appendices and references.  We'd like to know what you think of the documentation to date, and where things can be improved.  Rate the overall experience you have browsing through the documentation when looking for answers, and please add any extra comments which you feel may help us, e.g., point out features that we have not covered or sections that are unclear, suggest new things you would like to see, etc.
Poll Results
  • Excellent, clear and easy to use, packed with information. (0%)
  • Covers most basic information.  Edge cases missing. (50%)
  • Covers some information, but crucial bits missing. (33%)
  • Lack of even basic level information. (17%)
  • Hard to use and understand. (0%)


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