1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 12, 2013 3:55 AM by thomas.diesler

    Karaf integration removes JBoss JAAS configuration


      If we use karaf/servicemix as described in various threads, we note that login-module definitions from standalone.xml were removed from the JAAS configuration.

      That means, the karaf login works but not the login for web applications etc.


      The following example uses a secure web application with a JSP that displays the current JAAS configuration:


      ~ /as/bin $ curl --user test:test localhost:8080/login-test/


      javax.security.auth.login.Configuration = org.jboss.security.auth.login.XMLLoginConfigImpl


      ~/as/bin $ ./jboss-cli.sh -c "/subsystem=osgi:activate"

      {"outcome" => "success"}

      ~/as/bin $ ./jboss-cli.sh -c "/subsystem=security/security-domain=login-test:flush-cache"

      {"outcome" => "success"}

      ~/as/bin $ curl --user test:test localhost:8080/login-test/


      ERROR: javax.security.auth.login.Configuration = org.apache.karaf.jaas.config.impl.OsgiConfiguration


      The reason is that the bundle "org.apache.karaf.jaas.config" installs his own JAAS configuration :



          public void init() {




      This removes the existing configuration, which was set previously by  org.jboss.as.security.service.JaasConfigurationService.


      For a demonstration I use the following workaround:


      • configure karaf loginmodule in standalone.xml :

      <security-domain name="karaf" cache-type="default">


              <login-module code="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.properties.PropertiesLoginModule" flag="required">

                  <module-option name="users" value="${jboss.home.dir}/karaf/etc/users.properties"/>




      • modify blueprint-xml of bundle  "org.apache.karaf.jaas.config", disable init- and destroy-method of org.apache.karaf.jaas.config.impl.OsgiConfiguration :


          <bean id="config"






          <bean id="config" class="org.apache.karaf.jaas.config.impl.OsgiConfiguration" />


      • modify bundle "org.apache.karaf.shell.ssh" :
        • add "org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.properties" as import-package in pom.xml (maven-bundle-plugin)
        • set the correct TCL in KarafJaasPasswordAuthenticator :


          public boolean authenticate(final String username, final String password, final ServerSession session) {

                    ClassLoader tcl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();



                    try {



                    } finally {




      With this fiddling I was able to use the karaf and all other logins which were defined in the security-subsystem.


      ~/as/bin $ ssh -p 8101 smx@localhost

      Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:8101' (DSA) to the list of known hosts.

      smx@localhost's password:

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      |____/ \___|_|    \_/ |_|\___\___|_|  |_|_/_/\_\ @ JBoss AS



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