3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 12, 2014 10:28 AM by b.eckenfels

    Community Edition contains RH branding




      I noticed that the JBoss Application Server 7 of the JBoss Comunity is pretty clean in regards to Red Hat branding. However unfortunatelly at least the welcome-content contains a Logo jboss_community.png which does not only show the blue/black community logo but also the JBoss red lego especially with the "by Red Hat" signature. According to the JBoss community trademark guidelines this logo is especially reserved for supported applications.


      I wonder if it is really necesary to have that in the welcome content which makes redistribution somewhat a legal minefield (especially since a Git fork can be considered that already).


      Is it possible to get the left part of the logo (replace the current dual form) removed from the community repository?


      (I certainly will for my forks and this cant be in the interest of RH really).







      Message was edited by: Bernd Eckenfels - typo