1 Reply Latest reply on May 15, 2012 4:06 AM by sfcoy

    Spring Framework doesn't see cglib


      Hi there!


      My application uses Spring Framework 3.0.5 on JBoss 5.1.0.GA. Framework is provided by server, that is, framework libraries are placed in server/<servername>/lib directory. The server is managed by third party, so I can't add any library to environment provided by this server. There is a necessity to use cglib in my application. Spring uses it for proxying purposes. cglib isn't in server/<servername>/lib, therefore I've included cglib-2.2.2.jar to my app .war with maven.


      The problem is that following error occures on deploy:


      Cannot proxy target class because CGLIB2 is not available. Add CGLIB to the class path or specify proxy interfaces.


      I've checked my app .war for cglib and found it in WEB-INF/lib directory. AFAIK all classes in jars located in this directory are in class path as well as classes in jars in server/<servername>/lib. Why Spring can't find cglib?