1 2 Previous Next 16 Replies Latest reply on Apr 17, 2012 12:14 PM by baraber Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Permission-based authorization in Seam Faces

        I don't know if this is a sweet solution, but an alternative would be to create your own @Restrict annotation with a @Nonbinding value (as Shane said), but use @InterceptorBinding instead of @SecurityBindingType. Then, create an interceptor class like this:




        public class RestrictInterceptor implements Serializable {

                            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;



                      public Object invoke(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {          

                  Restrict restrict = getRestrictAnnotation(ctx.getMethod());

                  String value = restricao.value();

                  //now your EL or whatever is in value var



             private Restrict getRestrictAnnotation(Method m) {

                          for (Annotation a: m.getAnnotations()) {

                              if (a instanceof Restrict) { return (Restrict) a; }


                  return null;




        PS.: don't forget to include the interceptor in the beans.xml.

        • 16. Re: Permission-based authorization in Seam Faces

          I still don't know if it's the best way to do, but I made it, based on your suggestion :



          InterceptorBinding :





          @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})

          public @interface Restrict {

              @Nonbinding String value();



          Interceptor (Using Solder to resolve EL expressions.):




          public class RestrictInterceptor implements Serializable {


              transient @Inject

              Expressions expressions;



              public Object manageTransaction(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {

                  Restrict restrict = getRestrictAnnotation(ctx.getMethod());


                  String value = restrict.value();


                  try {

                      Boolean hasPermission = expressions.<Boolean>evaluateValueExpression(value);

                      if (hasPermission) {

                          return ctx.proceed();

                      } else {

                          throw new AuthorizationException("Following expression evaluated to false : \"" + value + "\"");


                  } catch (ELException e) {

                      throw new AuthorizationException(e.getMessage());




              private Restrict getRestrictAnnotation(Method m) {


                  for (Annotation a : m.getAnnotations()) {

                      if (a instanceof Restrict) {

                          return (Restrict) a;




                  return null;





          Usage example :


          @Restrict("#{permissions.has('users', 'create')}")

          public String createUser() {






          The "permissions" EL name refer to a custom bean that encapsulate calls to "identity.hasPermission(Object, String)" and caches the result in the request scope.
          I do this because I cannot control how many time a sigle permission check will be made in JSF.  ie, the following code will call many time the permission check ( I think I counted about 6 time) :


          <h:commandLink action="#{userAction.createUser}" value="Create New User" rendered="#{identity.hasPermission('users', 'create')}"/>



          I use Rule based security (with drools). 


          Just wanted to share a "complete" example.

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