1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 9, 2012 12:12 PM by bcavlin

    jBPM 5.2 transaction issues in JBoss 5.1




      I was wondering if anyone else had these issues using JBoss 5.1 and jBPM 5.2. I am receiving these errors when trying jBPM service (please note that service works, but these errors are reported):


      1.  java.sql.SQLException: You cannot set auto commit during a managed transaction!


      2.  [CachedConnectionManager] Closing a connection for you.  Please close them yourself: org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.jdk6.WrappedConnectionJDK6


      3. org.jbpm.persistence.processinstance.ProcessInstanceInfo @PreUpdate public void update is never fired in JBoss


      Also, please note that JUnit tests that I have using same code and same data (with exception of who provides transaction) works just fine.


      Any help or suggestion is appreciated.






      To rephrase the question, is it possible at all to have statless EJB that starts transaction to initiate and call jBPM engine (providing that I will call Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory within the transaction to create StatefulKnowledgeSession)? Could this be cause of my problems, and if yes, what are possible alternative strategies to resolve it.






      ----Partial solution found


      For @PreUpdate to work I actually removed this setting that I had in the peristance.xml <property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class" value="org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory"/> (was not reading documentation before setting this ) and I have set EJB transaction to NEVER for now. I still need to have this transaction (EJB) started first though, so if anyone has any suggestion?



        • 1. Re: jBPM 5.2 transaction issues in JBoss 5.1

          I have resolved issue by adding this to persistence.xml


          <property name="jboss.entity.manager.factory.jndi.name" value="java:/jBPMManagerFactory"/>


          I ma obtaining factory like this:


          emf = (EntityManagerFactory) new javax.naming.InitialContext().lookup("java:/jBPMManagerFactory"); instead of Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(properties.getProperty("persistence.persistenceunit.name"));


          Seems to work fine for now.

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