5 Replies Latest reply on Aug 31, 2012 2:03 AM by sreenureddy20

    How to create menus linking to portal pages in user Navigation.xml


      Gatein supports customizing the




      file to create default nodes any user can use when he goes to the dashboard page. In this navigation.xml we add nodes in the following syntax


      <node-navigation xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

                xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.gatein.org/xml/ns/gatein_objects_1_2 http://www.gatein.org/xml/ns/gatein_objects_1_2"




                          <!-- The default dashboard tab -->















      As you see we add a dashboard TAB with a page reference to user:@owner@::Tab_Default

      And an aother node pointing to page-reference portal::MyPortal::Contracts


      We also add navigation portlet to the portal/WEB-INF/conf/portal/user/template/user/user.xml


      As is :











      When the user goes to the dashboard page, evrything seems to work ok, the dashboard is displayed with a NavigationPortlet with a 'MySpace' and a 'Contract' menu. But, when the users clicks on the menu, the link is computed to


      http://<server>/portal/u/<username>/<nodename> instead of http://<server>/portal/<MyPortal>/<NodeName>


      preventing the user to link to the standard portal pages.


      Any ideas ?

        • 1. Re: How to create menus linking to portal pages in user Navigation.xml

          In GateIn, there are two concepts navigational node and page , which are relevant but completly different


          1. Navigational node: represents a tree node in logical hierachy of web pages in GateIn portal


          2. Page: refers to the physical content that might be referenced by a navigational node










          As we put above config in user/navigation.xml, we have a navigational node named Contracts of type USER (other types are GROUP, PORTAL) for each user, and that navigational node points to a page identified by portal::MyPortal::Contracts .  The URL appearing on address bar is determined by navigational node 's properties. For a navigational node of type USER, it is normal that we have /portal/u/... on address bar.

          • 2. Re: How to create menus linking to portal pages in user Navigation.xml



            If I understand putting nodes in user/navigation.xml will always generate links in the form http://<server>/portal/u/<username>, there is no way I can make it point to a portal page ?  Can I specify a explicit physical URL  for example ?

            • 3. Re: How to create menus linking to portal pages in user Navigation.xml

              Can I specify a explicit physical URL  for example ?


              GateIn 3.1 : YES

              GateIn 3.2 : NO

              • 4. Re: How to create menus linking to portal pages in user Navigation.xml

                it can still point to a portal page, but you will be within the "user" context and will use the user site layout.

                • 5. Re: How to create menus linking to portal pages in user Navigation.xml

                  Hi ,


                  Can any body help me . How to develop a custom navigation bar in gatein portal.