0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 22, 2012 7:57 PM by jimmy.dongjia

    How to run gwt console in host mode with JBOSS AS/JBPM ?


      Hello dear all:

      i want to modify/test the jbpm console code,

      and i am not so sure how to run the console in hosted mode so that quick development could be done. 

      If i run mvn gwt:run,jetty show,and there is a error:

      [WARN] Module declares 3 <servlet> declaration(s), but a valid 'web.xml' was not found at 'F:\work\JBPM\bpmc-bpm-console-b7fff01\gui\war\war\WEB-INF\web.xml'


      if i click "Launch default browser", the browser report 404 error:

