4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2012 7:56 AM by goldmann

    New meta appliance




      New boxgrinder 0.10 is awesome! But meta appliance in amazon is old

      When it will with new boxgrinder?


      Thank You

        • 1. Re: New meta appliance

          Hi Oleg,


          I'm working on pushing up a new BoxGrinder Meta right now. I hit a few hitches, but I'll have it done by today. Just FYI the existing Meta updates itself automatically to the latest BoxGrinder release available in the *stable* repos. 


          As 0.10 isn't in the stable repos yet (but will be soon!) the current Meta uses 0.9.8, however you can easily get it straight away with:

           yum update rubygem-boxgrinder-build rubygem-boxgrinder-core --enablerepo="updates-testing"
          • 2. Re: New meta appliance

            Thank You!


            I'm will wait new appliance

            • 3. Re: New meta appliance

              Any news about images in new zones? (sa-east, us-west-2)

              • 4. Re: New meta appliance



                Ping msavy on IRC - he'll give you access to our private, incomplete meta's which are able to build appliances, but are not in very good shape The plan is to release new meta's most probably in the 0.11 timeframe.

