0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 13, 2010 10:48 AM by tomjenkinson

    Updated process for deploying blacktie-admin-services in trunk




      Just to let you know about a change to the instructions for building the trunk of BlackTie.


      We now automatically deploy the blacktie-admin-services during the test phase so you no longer need to copy this file to the jboss deploy folder or do an initial build without running the tests. NOTE: you do still need to copy the btconfig.xml as before.


      After we release CR1 next week I will update the building blacktie wiki article (http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/BuildingBlacktie) with this information.


      Note that applications deployed using the JBoss maven plugin in this way are not "peristent", i.e. when the server is restarted they are not deployed again. Therefore if you build BlackTie then shutdown JBoss you would need to redeploy the admin services by either copying the file (permanent and could conflict with future builds) or by:


      cd blacktie-admin-services

      cd ear

      mvn jboss:redeploy (or deploy or undeploy as required)


      Hope this makes the process a little easier!
