4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 3, 2009 7:05 AM by alesj

    Web application deployment directory

      Hello guys,

      I'm developing an application consisting of a .war and a .jar both wrapped inside an .ear. The web module (.war) contains a Flex application compiled into a .swf file.

      When I deploy the .ear archive, the web application in the .war file is extracted to a temporary directory, whose location varies in every deployment (e.g. ./jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/3j011-7yxnpe-g0ad7tf5-1-g0ad9aer-b4/web.war/)

      To speed up things, I set the flex module output directory pointing to the webapp root, so that when I recompile I see the changes applied immediately.

      The problem is that with JBoss, the webapp root directory is varying all the time as described before. Is there any way in which I can instruct JBoss to uncompress the archives to an arbitrary directory?

      Any suggestion will be appreciated! Thanks in advance