0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 11, 2007 6:47 AM by iner

    example in chapter 11, ProcessPayment



      Just wondering why suddenly the use of PrepareStatement in this
      book, the example before has had us use the EntityManager and the persist method - and now we are back in time.
      Is there a reason for this, som pedagogy ?

      Seeing also under the 'Accessing environment properties (injection)' in the same chapter the use of an xml-descriptor.
      Is there another way to do this, seeing that Glassfish has this approach .

      %glassfish_home%\bin\asadmin.bat create-jms-resource --host localhost --port 4848 --user admin
      --restype javax.jms.Topic --property imqDestinationName=StatusMessageTopic StatusMessageTopic

      Or is the xml-descriptor to prefer ?

      Still new here, so I am a bit lost from time to time,
      but hoping to 'master' this subject at last ( EJB 3.0 that is ).

      regards, i