We have just released GateIn Portal 3.2.0 Beta01. Please go to our downloads page and try it out. Here are the release notes from JIRA


There are several major improvements since M01 worth mentioning:

- Navigation Controller - providing a powerful way to configure how portal is managing URLs.

- Polished Management - providing import/export of portal pages via. REST, Commandline/SSH and UI

- DOM optimizations - GateIn pages are way more lightweight now.

- Countless performance improvements

- More internationalization

- AS7 integration - this is ongoing effort and still in experimental state


Because of DOM optimizations you may need to evict your browser cache - parts of cached CSS and JavaSript files from earlier versions can make UI not accessible.


I know that recently GateIn Portal releases were happening less frequently then it was expected but we are working hard to improve the situation. Our current aim is to push:


- 3.2.0 CR around the new year (2011/2012)

- 3.2.0 Final in January/February 2012.


Our plan is also to come back to more regular release cycle in 2012.