Version 17

    Community Page




    Historically in JBoss the word community has been used to describe the [JBoss Developer Community|\. This is a list of people who are mostly contributors of code to the JBoss projects, a high percentage of whom are employed by JBoss directly.


    This association of the word community with JBoss employees has resulted in a number of articles in the past describing JBoss projects as not being truly open source.


    Java is the true test of open source innovation


    Java is not the true test of open source innovation


    You're not an evil sell out


    Top contributors get rewards from MySQL


    By broadening the definition of the JBoss community from people who contribute code to users who contribute any help such as documentation, testing or even advocacy at events, we can help to show that we are truly open.


    We may also want to list all of the committers to projects along with their respective employers to show that there are more companies  than just Red Hat developing the software.


    A good approach to take for the content on the Community page is to explain the role of the community and list the different ways people can help. Ubuntu does a great job of this on its Community page.


    We could also take the opportunity with the new JBoss.ORG site to clearly explain our governance model as in the past this has been seen as a secretive and restrictive process.


    The idea is to be as transparent as possible. The community can benefit directly from their involvement in the projects by obtaining better software for no charge.




    New Design


    The JBoss Community


    The JBoss community consists of individuals and companies with many varied interests who participate as users, testers, developers, writers and speakers for the projects. The common goal and vision is to develop the best possible Java Enterprise Middleware in open source, available for anyone to use completely free of charge.


    Community Structure


    Governance Model        JBoss.ORG


    JBoss Core Values       JBoss User Groups (JBUGS)




    Wiki        Mailing Lists


    Forums        Issue Tracking




    Documentation        Blogs        Articles & Whitepapers


    Webinars        Podcasts        Books        Tutorials & Demos




    Using the software and resources provided on the site is a great way to kick-start your Java enterprise application development. However by collaborating with and contributing back to the community, you can help to ensure that the software works exactly as you would expect and improve the experience for everyone. There are many ways to make a contribution, including helping others on the forums, writing or editing wiki articles and submitting patches for bugs or new features. For more details see the How To Participate page.