Version 7

    Using Cactus in Jboss with JUnit Report


    Cactus is a framework developed by apache that redirect and drive your JUnit method right inside your application server.


    So, in case you need to test your EJBs, but if you don't need or don't want to deal with Remoting callings from your JUnit client to your JBossAS, you could use Cactus to drive your tests.


    I'm attaching to this page an empty Cactus implementation (by Empty I meant minimal) you could use as basis for future projects.

    I have used this empty implementation to create other projects. It's a good thing you don't need to deal with configurations every time you need to use Cactus, so this implementation could help you at your actual or new project.



    For using this, basically you have to edit the file The ant task would also automatically deploy the war into your AS into the default configuration. (Change-it as needed)


    If you want to use eclipse also, all you have to do is to run the ant task (just to have the file created in the bin/output folder), then execute the Junits you've created as the regular way.


    This empty project also, executes the junitreport task from ant.


    Have fun!