Version 4

    14. října 2015 - ActiveMQ Artemis – Messaging for the Entreprise and IoT


    Czech JBoss User Group gladly invites you to a JBUG session in Brno, taking place on Wednesday October 14th, 2015 in premises of Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University room A318 (new building) at 18:00.

    Czech JBoss User Group Vás srdečně zve na setkání JBUG v Brně, které se koná ve středu 14. října 2015 v prostorách Fakulty Informatiky Masarykovy Univerzity v místnosti A318 (nová část budovy) od 18:00.


    Artemis is a new subproject from Apache ActiveMQ. It comes with some history and is targeted as the next generation of Java messaging broker from the Apache Software Foundation. It serves as the foundation for messaging infrastructure in a cloud-based environment and in the Internet of Things. In this presentation, Jeff will present Artemis, its history and relationships with other ActiveMQ projects (ActiveMQ itself, and Apollo). He will also describe all the protocols supported by Artemis (OpenWire, AMQP, MQTT, Stomp, Legacy HornetQ) and their difference and best usage.


    Presenter: Jeff Mesnil

    Jeff Mesnil is a software developer at JBoss, the middleware division of Red Hat. He is a core developer on WildFly application server where he leads the messaging subsystem. Jeff is a strong proponent of Open Source development and collaborative processes. He also enjoy making photographs.

    You can read more from him at his weblog:



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    Můžete použít hashtag #jbugcz


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