Version 2

    15. října 2014 - Java Everywhere: Ready for Mobile and Internet of Things


    Czech JBoss User Group gladly invites you to a JBUG session in Brno, taking place on Wednesday October 15th, 2014 in premises of Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University room A318 (new building) at 18:00.

    Czech JBoss User Group Vás srdečně zve na setkání JBUG v Brně, které se koná ve středu 15. října 2014 v prostorách Fakulty Informatiky Masarykovy Univerzity v místnosti A318 (nová část budovy) od 18:00.


    Last years has seen a tremendous increase of devices connected to the Internet - either smart mobile devices like phones and tablets or specialized devices like sensors and controllers used in home automation. How Java and JBoss fit into this situation? Can Java and middleware prosper in a new land of software development? Come and speak to Mark Little, Vice-President of Red Hat.


    Presenters: Mark Little

    Mark Little is a Vice-President of Engineering in Red Hat. He leads JBoss technical direction and research/development.



    You can use hashtag #jbugcz

    Můžete použít hashtag #jbugcz


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